Gary Lundy

a sky reproduced in pixels. or oil acrylic. to match what then is believed seen. how our seeing displaces the thing itself. how our need to document interrupts the flutter of a heart suddenly awakened to a new love. that this kiss takes on more than what it is or might have promised. the same way your front teeth overlap. or your cheeks turn red when laughing bright loudly. that a white canvas opens immediately to comparisons. of a snow covered plain. or the smooth opening of your pale stomach.

Headshot of Gary LundyGary Lundy is a queer living in Missoula, Montana. His poetry has appeared most recently in Panoplyzine, Transcending Shadows Review, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Beautiful Losers, and Vallum. His book Heartbreak Elopes into a Kind of Forgiving was released in July 2016 by Is A Rose Press. Each summer Gary is one of the instructors of the mandolin building class at Rocky Grass Academy, in Lyons, Colorado.

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