

MORAINE, by Gretta Trafficante

Flash by Gretta Trafficante MORAINE We first formally meet playing hooky from the gay kickball league. Our refuge is the back nook of the only thrift shop in town to house an almost-adequate selection of 2XL vintage. I’m mulling over…

GOOD MANNERS, by John Calderazzo

Poetry by John CalderazzoGOOD MANNERS —Mt. Alice Trail, Seward                         From the road, through a wall of brush, huge, dank cave of trees, mushroom bursts, mossy yews, spars bent like dancers holding poses on an unlit stage. Path so steep in…

TOUCH POOL, by Caroline Beuley

Fiction by Caroline Beuley TOUCH POOL The visitors grab, stroke, and poke, slipping their hands beneath the water’s surface. They touch the creatures, hoping touch will bring knowledge or understanding. When they leave, they bat their damp hands against their…


Flash by Andrea Bishop WORKING WITH BLANKS My husband says, if you’re going to have to kill something, it’s best to practice beforehand. I say I don’t think I will; I have you. And if I’m not here to keep…

PIETÀ, by Sarah C. Baldwin

Flash Nonfiction by Sarah C. Baldwin PIETÀ I wanted to be thin, thin like Earlene. College food and a middle-class life had left me doughy, but decades had whittled her into something edgy and lean—a slash of charcoal, a licorice…

NECROPANTS, by Colton Huelle

Fiction by Colton Huelle NECROPANTS Erik’s set to fly out of Logan at nine in the morning, and I’m crashing at his place so we can get on the road early enough to beat rush hour. It feels just like…

CONNECTICUS, by Clifford Thompson

Visual Narrative by Clifford Thompson CONNECTICUS Clifford Thompson’s books include What It Is: Race, Family, and One Thinking Black Man’s Blues and Big Man and the Little Men: A Graphic Novel. His book Jazz June: A Self-Portrait in Essays is coming in October from the…

BLING LIKE STARS, by Jodi Paloni

Fiction by Jodi Paloni BLING LIKE STARS Sparrow’s little brother hums at the kitchen table and talks about what it would be like to float on a giant Cheerio as an inner tube, kicking up the milky sea whenever he…

HAUNTED, by Ess Pokornowski

Nonfiction by Ess PokornowskiHAUNTED Witch It is Halloween night in Ypsilanti in 2020 and I am in the upstairs bathroom of our big, blue farmhouse. This is the pandemic Halloween–the year we are desperate to share, to be in the…

GENE THERAPY, by Derek Graf

Poetry by Derek GrafGENE THERAPY Carrion beetles swarm the distant river. Her father erodes from cancer, his slow death grinding its teeth. She steps inside a shower full of leaves. Within the host cell she hears herself screaming. An actual…

THREE MICROS, by Jeff Friedman

Flash by Jeff Friedman THREE MICROS Our Daughter’s Glow Our daughter Willow glows in the dark, not a pale glow either—enough to read a book by. Her light is gold, soothing. When she goes to the bathroom at night, she…


Flash by by Zoé MahfouzLEGIONELLA BACTERIA Dear Landlord, I have to admit I was rather appalled by your tenancy agreement. I quote: “We confirm that we believe the Premises are safe and free from legionella bacteria,” really? What is it…


Flash by Eden RoyceYOUR CHILDHOOD WAS WITCHCRAFT Remember? When you licked the blood from your scraped knees and elbows, cleaning your wounds like an animal would, the taste of metal and salt on your tongue. The pulse of pain lessened…

TESTIMONY, by Connor Fisher

Flash by Connor FisherTESTIMONY I never touched the horse in question, although, at various points in my life I have, largely against my will, been made to saddle, groom, ride, and stroke horses. I did once approach the horse—an allegedly…

THE HYPHENATE, by Pamela Balluck

Nonfiction by Pamela BalluckTHE HYPHENATE I hyphenated my last name on my front-porch mailbox after a harebrained ex-boyfriend from my teens (he then in his late twenties) found me on the Internet in the twenty-first century, persistently emailed (despite initially…

SPITFIRE by Jeff Gabel

Fiction by Jeff GabelSPITFIRE My mother-in-law believes in signs. She believes in synchronicity and premonition. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for her obsession with death. When Neil and I told her we were naming our girl after…

YELLOW, by Jeffrey G. Moss

Flash by Jeffrey G. MossYELLOW It is a late October afternoon, darkness coming on quick, and Phyllis DeLuna, one of three widowed sisters who live across the street, is standing on her front stoop waving me over.  “We’re putting the…

DUPLEX, by Elly Katz

Poetry by Elly Katz DUPLEX dark is darker than I remember was it a dream or a memory? rescue me from these shadows on the undersurface of spiral threads nude twists and turns mounting dismounting that called off glowing ground…

2023.32, by Bradley J. Fest

Poetry by Bradley J. Fest2023.32 Soaring amaranthis getting you down on the floor again? Diane Seuss’s long line’ll [1] set things right while hazarding the new kinds of loneliness. The body that is your body is and always has been…

ORIGIN STORY by Krista Puttler

Fiction by Krista Puttler ORIGIN STORY Mama, where do stories come from?  They come from a dog’s ear. No, they don’t! They come from your fingertips! You mean fingernails.  No, I don’t. Pens, pencils, keyboards…   Blood, pain, anticipation… What are…

THE BODY SHOP, by Jessica Klimesh

Flash by Jessica KlimeshTHE BODY SHOP I find a pair of arms in my size and put them on, then exchange my middle-aged ears for some keener ones since Lyle says I don’t listen, says it’s just one of my…

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