

ZENITH by Cody Shrum

Cody Shrum ZENITH Four of them were out that night: two brothers and a couple. They’d been howling at the moon, driving around, being kids—senior year, winter break. Wattles Road was just outside town, nobody around to bother them. The…

LINA AND NINA by Elizabeth Brus

Elizabeth Brus LINA AND NINA When I sucked on Tiana, pulling the skin up in my mouth like Fiona told me you do it, it left a mark that was darker than even her skin was, black against brown like…

HOME AWAY FROM HOME by Cecile Callan

Cecile Callan HOME AWAY FROM HOME  Into the sleek metal shaker went the whiskey, Frangelico, white crème de cacao, heavy cream. The bartender reached for an egg—crack—and slid the yellow orb from shell to shell as the white jiggled slithery…

ENSENADA by Ellie J. Anderson

Ellie J. Anderson ENSENADA Teri and Hal drove past the leaning cardboard shacks of Tijuana to a large old hotel at Estero Beach. They’d been separated for eight months and Hal had been living with a woman named Marilyn. He…

GORGON SON by Geoffrey Billetter

Honorable Mention, Form & Form-Breaking Poetry Competition Geoffrey Billetter GORGON SON Geoffrey Billetter is a Chicago poet and prose writer. He writes autobiography into images that reveal multiple systems of reading and reference, often in conversation with the South and…


First Prize, Form & Form-Breaking Poetry Competition I love Weijia Pan’s contemporary approach to the Sapphic stanza—a lyric poetic form created by the Greek poet Sappho, from her home on the island of Lesbos. Here, each five-line fragment represents the…


Jeff Pearson ENGAGEMENT CORONA “The mouth of weeds marriage.” She shivered. “It’s—it’s a death!” –John Ashbery, “Idaho” Absence holds rings on our fingers, bright, until each ring’s syntax is muted with flash flood weather steaming the windows, plies of books…

grindr villanelle by Matt Broomfield

Third Prize, Form & Form-Breaking Poetry Competition In “grindr villanelle,” Matt Broomfield creates the unlikely hook-up between the queer dating app Grindr and an unruly version of the challenging, delicate, French-derived villanelle form. Broomfield also marries contemporary language and experience…

RIFFS ON REVISION by Andrea Caswell

Andrea CaswellRIFFS ON REVISION Most of the work of writing is rewriting. No one wants to hear this! We thrive on that rush of creativity and sense of possibility inherent in a first draft. After our initial inspiration and abandon…

BE INSPIRED by Beth Kephart

Beth KephartBE INSPIRED I know. I know. So grotesquely obvious. Except for the essential sequitur: Be inspired by what? The metronome flick of your puppy’s tail? The mellifluous hum of the antique AC? The letter m, lowercase, written, for the…



Ky LohrenzCONTAINMENT FAILURE At the party, I watch drunk men piss in a sink & all I see is freedom. How’d I get here— eyeing their semis, feigning indifference, waiting for the rain to stop. Tell me how it feels.…

AN UNNAMED ESSAY by Samantha Padgett

AN UNNAMED ESSAY by Samantha Padgett

Samantha PadgettAN UNNAMED ESSAY IN WHICH THE WORLD ENDS, BUT I’M TOLD EVERYTHING IS OKAY My mother is panicking. I know this despite her insistence that she isn’t afraid. After days of listening to the newscaster detail the refrigerator trucks…

CONTRAINDICATED by Carolyn Alessio

CONTRAINDICATED by Carolyn Alessio

Carolyn AlessioCONTRAINDICATED My mother once found opiates in the bottom of a used necklace box. She’d heard a clicking sound while lifting out the gold-plated necklace she had just purchased at a dying mall near her home. A half-dozen pills…

LIFT by Mikki Aronoff

LIFT by Mikki Aronoff

Mikki AronoffLIFT It’s our birthday month, leaves relinquishing their hold, and I’m thinking back to that rodeo, both of us burning for cowboys and leather, unaware of the suffering of cows, and afterwards, you climbed then tumbled into the bullpen,…

THE RIDE by Sarah Myers

Sarah MyersTHE RIDE You’re buying tampons, brushing your hair, cleaning the crud off the kitchen table, and the sight of your own stupid fingers reminds you that the bottom has dropped out of everything. Then you’re talking to a colleague…

SUNK BY MINES by Tom Sokolowski

Tom SokolowskiSUNK BY MINES Driving to Cascades Park, I pass The Florida Bar and the Smokey Hollow Commemoration and Community Garden where, on a bench facing Franklin Boulevard, Lonely Man, with a knapsack beside him, is always grinding rotten kumquats…

FIVE SECONDS by Matthew Burrell

Matthew BurrellFIVE SECONDS J.D. stood up without his grenade pin. We were heading toward the Guadalupe range after a live fire exercise in White Sands Training Grounds, otherwise known as the ‘Sand Box’, during a hot afternoon in July 1998…

GLASS HOUSE by Emily Steinberg

Emily SteinbergGLASS HOUSE A Visual Narrative Emily Steinberg is a multi-disciplinary artist with a focus on painting and visual narrative. Her work has been published by The New Yorker and included in several anthologies. Steinberg teaches visual narrative at Penn…



Jody M KeeneOUR HANDS TOO SMALL We come home for Thanksgiving to watch our mom die. We get there to find the blinds drawn and the fridge empty except for cans of Ensure and Kraft singles. “We’re going to order…


Laura RubyAMONG THE WRECKAGE 1. Earth after the asteroid strikes, leaving the Chicxulub crater twelve miles deep. 2. The dinosaurs, after the fallout dusts them off the map. 3. A mammoth sinking in the La Brea Tar Pit. 4. Neanderthals.…

JUNIPER POPLAR by Grayson Thompson

JUNIPER POPLAR by Grayson Thompson

Grayson Thompsonjuniper poplar I knew a guy who lost over 100 lbs by running away from himself he taught me to start small like a building and eventually turn the world over with my feet the first block felt like…

HELL’S MOUNTAIN by Brendan Stephens

HELL’S MOUNTAIN by Brendan Stephens

Brendan StephensHELL’S MOUNTAIN Long ago, after I died, I found myself alone in a vast wasteland with nothing on the horizon except a single imposing mountain gray with distance. This wasn’t paradise. I’d never been a believer, just an ordinary…

DUNES DAY by Andrew Michael Johnson

Andrew Michael JohnsonDUNES DAY In the summer of 2020 we fled the confinements of our house in Kansas City and drove to Colorado. After the first three months of pandemic lockdown, my wife, three young children, and I needed to…



Lauren BakerYOUR BEST IMPRESSION OF AN EARNEST MAN There was a Post-it with a heart drawn on it stuck to my desktop computer. I folded the paper square into halves, fourths, and eighths and scratched at the residue it left…

SOMATICS by Gillian Perry

SOMATICS by Gillian Perry

Gillian PerrySOMATICS It had been a month since my miscarriage, two weeks since I decided to take my maternity leave anyway. I justify it like this—I’m not leaving the office for maternity, maternity had left me instead. Davis leaves for…