

PLAYHOUSE by Tess Kelly

Tess KellyPLAYHOUSE It arrived on a surprise Saturday in the bed of Uncle Tony’s pickup. The wooden playhouse our grandfather built had cedar shakes, a rooster-topped weathervane, and real hinged windows that opened wide like our astonished mouths. Soon enough…

WAR GAMES by Peter DeMarco

Peter DeMarcoWAR GAMES In the car trip to a Pennsylvania V.A. hospital when I was twelve, my mother told us that our great Uncle Roy was a veteran of World War I and couldn’t communicate anymore. The ride was three…

BIRTHING LESSONS by Rebecca Ackermann

Rebecca AckermannBIRTHING LESSONS The woman on the screen howls in agony and communion as her partner reaches into the water to grasp their child’s crown and pull him free. They are all three naked, swirling in blood and insides. Sunlight…


R. C. BarajasDR. WILLIAM’S FAMILY FIX-U SHOP Youngest Daughter Services and Pricing For Middle Son and Eldest Daughter, see separate price sheets. Limited services available for Eldest Son Overall Assessment of Youngest Daughter………………………$45 Dr. William will give a quick but…

THE SOFT ANIMALS by Nathan Willis

Nathan WillisTHE SOFT ANIMALS There are four deer in the garage. They’re made of metal and they don’t have heads. Mom’s been sneaking out at night when she thinks I’m asleep. This is what she’s been working on. She wants…

THE UNDERCURRENT by Mariana Sabino

Mariana SabinoTHE UNDERCURRENT The Czech woman had returned to the wrong place, that much we knew, and we weren’t about to watch out for anyone, especially this pearl smeared with oil. She arrived in one of the local public vans,…

THE DRIVE HOME by Will Musgrove

Will MusgroveTHE DRIVE HOME In the distance, black clouds blanket the sky like cake frosting, and streaks of rain shade the warm air. Strong winds jostle my buddy Jake’s rusted sedan, make minor corrections to our trajectory, whisper to us…

INTUITION by Maggie Mumford

Maggie MumfordINTUITION 1. An acorn appears. The orb centered on the welcome mat in the curve of the C, the WEL and the OME forming a bracket. I decide the placement is an accident of nature and that this tree…

DECADENCE, ’94 (SOUTHERN) by Damian Dressick

Damian DressickDECADENCE, ’94 (SOUTHERN) Rounds in quick succession at Café Lafitte in Exile bleed into slave quarters on Iberville. A sofa included in his rent. New Orleans lore. Amyl nitrate. Fan of porn mags spread across the cocktail table, Honcho,…

TWO POEMS by Mitchell Untch

Mitchell UntchTWO POEMS Twin I I. I had thought we’d said everything we needed to say when you were in the hospital and the nurses were running around trying to figure out how to make you more comfortable. Would you…

NO NAME ISLAND by Lara Markstein

Lara MarksteinNO NAME ISLAND In the beginning, in that first month that they’d lived with their uncle on Aorere Drive as kids, Hamish and Kylie passed whole days in the bay. Before Stuart could go on about the cost of…

SHADOW WATER by Rosemary Jones

Rosemary JonesSHADOW WATER This is how I heard the story. The this. The that. The this and that. I was at the hospital with my daughters to visit their grandpa, Geoff, who had fallen playing indoor bowls. One small, ambitious…

URGENT by Gemini Wahhaj

URGENT by Gemini Wahhaj

Gemini WahhajURGENT When Polly’s father died, she received an outpouring of love from his friends. She was grieving by not taking any calls—no tears, no ceremony, just silence, and a total loss of appetite—but these were international calls, coming from…

EXTRA CREDIT by Colette Parris

Colette ParrisEXTRA CREDIT The three of us together constitute a smidge of impurity in what would otherwise be an unadulterated cup of salt. Not the Himalania Fine Pink Salt that will run you $8.99 for ten ounces at Whole Foods.…

ODE ON BRAISES (AND ODES) by Gregory Emilio

Gregory EmilioODE ON BRAISES (AND ODES) For we, which now behold these present days, Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise. —Shakespeare, “Sonnet 106,” lines 13-14 “Rhyme,” according to the poet and classicist A.E. Stallings, “is an irrational,…

BROOD X by Gwen Mullins

BROOD X by Gwen Mullins

Gwen MullinsBROOD X Brood X is the largest brood of 17-year cicadas. This brood is found in three separate areas centering around Pennsylvania and northern Virginia, Indiana, and eastern Tennessee. The largest emergence of Brood X appears as adults only…

SKATE HAVEN by Amy R. Martin

Amy R. MartinSKATE HAVEN I’m already roller skating when the DJ announces it’s time for a “Couples Skate” and I see the sign light up on the wall next to the clock and the rink lights dim and I feel…

EVEN IN THE DARK by Cristina Trapani-Scott

Cristina Trapani-ScottEVEN IN THE DARK 1. You make sourdough bread because it’s easier to focus on the simplicity of water and flour than on anything else. You marvel at how water and flour blended can start life. You think of…

LEAVE NO TRACE by Robin Neidorf

Robin NeidorfLEAVE NO TRACE the full moon rises in the cleft ……………………………between rock and green-turning- gold on gravel trails twenty miles ……………………..northwest of this circle of stones today’s bootprints start to erode under those traces lie yesterday’s …………………………… …………………………… …………lower…

DON’T KICK THE DOG by Philip Schaefer

DON’T KICK THE DOG by Philip Schaefer

Philip SchaeferDON’T KICK THE DOG Just last week doves glued to the beach, stuck between physics and chemistry. Beneath the Puget Sound. No guns, no sharks. A simple conundrum. There is a history within history, angles prior to geometry. Names…

EVEN THE DOGS by Ronda Broatch

EVEN THE DOGS by Ronda Broatch

Ronda BroatchEVEN THE DOGS The horses hid the day I walked out to pasture to catch my appaloosa. Ferro, eluding the drape of lead rope over his withers. I found him deep in woods I’d never entered, and slipped the…

ABLATION by Lisa Lebduska

Lisa LebduskaABLATION Faced with a choice between freezing or burning, my mother chose burning. Her decision surprised me because she hated Florida, where she had never lived, and she hated summers in New York, where she spent July and August…


Eric RasmussenMEANINGFUL DEPARTURES I. McKenzie sees it coming. The party’s host is drunk: she’s laughing loud, touching everyone nearby, gesturing with the knife she’s using to cut whole pickles into spears for bloody marys. McKenzie should say something or take the…

N ̓X̌AX̌AITKʷ, 1984 by AJ Strosahl

AJ StrosahlN ̓X̌AX̌AITKʷ, 1984 A monster named Ogopogo lived in Lake Okanagan and Sylvester’s father Clyde had once seen it drown a bear, face first. It happened a few years before Sylvester was born, when Clyde was almost a boy…

THE OTHER SIDE by Ann Stoney

Ann StoneyTHE OTHER SIDE When you wake up in the night, don’t flush or wash your hands. Go straight back to bed. This helps. You’ve been awake on and off. Dreams take the shape of lightning. Exaggerated versions of yourself,…

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