A Writing Tip by Jackson Tatge

What comes up when you type your own name into Google? Has the internet been able to accurately describe you as well as you would have hoped? Does it hit every base? Or has it fallen short in describing you and your many accomplishments?

Writers and artists often believe that a simple linktr.ee link posted somewhere within their social media accounts is enough to provide interested agents and editors a method of contact. While that may be true, a website affords the opportunity to shape your narrative, brand, and aesthetic to your liking. An author website allows for yet another avenue to market yourself and build a dedicated community of readers. 

But how do you create one? Not all of us have the knowledge to design and develop websites from scratch, nor do we have the free time to learn how to do so. Luckily, there are several platforms out there today that make things easier than ever. Website templating sites like Squarespace, Cargo, Wix, and even WordPress significantly reduce the complexities of programming and design. 

These services make it easy to maintain a digital hub for your writing and to prove your professionalism as a writer (for a small fee). If you’re feeling up to it, it can even be a great starting point for a blog! Whether you’re looking to build out a community or simply host a single page site hosting your biography and contact information, setting up your website is a surefire way to improve your visibility online. 

Start off by watching some tutorials! Go forth and look into the capabilities of each of the different website builders, and you will soon find the right one for you. The great thing about a website is that the possibilities are truly endless in terms of what you can create, much like writing! You can build your website to be as simple or complex as you feel is necessary. 

Are you looking for a bit more guidance? Creating a website can be daunting! And especially so if it’s your first time. On January 26th, 2025, Jackson Tatge is hosting a class for Cleaver Magazine: CRAFTING A DIGITAL PRESENCE: Create Your Author Website From Scratch. In this class, we will do a deep dive into the capabilities of a variety of website builders. After just two hours, attendants will leave with a complete and functional author website for immediate use. Sign up here!

Jackson TatgeJackson Tatge (He/Him/His), from Danbury, Connecticut, received his BFA in Graphic Design from Michigan State University. Jackson works as an Animator for Great River Learning, where he makes animated explainer-style video lectures for college-level textbooks. Jackson is also currently working on contract in web design for the Affordable Housing Institute, and works as a Multimedia Designer at Cleaver Magazine. In his free time, Jackson is working in motion, character, and UI/UX design for a mobile game application he is developing. Visit his website here.

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