Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK: A Visual Narrative
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
"Civil War 2.0?" sketch of blue woman with one hand on her face looking to the side
"Election on Tuesday" sketch of gold woman shielding her face with one hand
"I can't look," sketch of pink woman's face partially covered by both of her hands
"Holding my breath" sketch of abstract yellow figure with legs looking to the side with one arm on top of their head and one across their stomach
Sketch of slumped person on the floor, with green and cream-colored splotched skin and short straight hair
"So We Had A Blue Ripple," sketch of green woman laying nude on her stomach on the floor with her feet up behind her
"100 women elected to congress!" sketch of pink woman with red and blue accents around her facial features
"Next day, insane post election presser" sketch of green woman with two pair of eyes holding her face
"Acosta Banned Press Pass Pulled" sketch of grey woman with her features highlighted in purple looking despondently ahead
"Sessions forced to resign" sketch of yellow woman with red outlining sitting on the ground holding her knees to her chest
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg
DRAWING A BLANK by Emily Steinberg

Sketch of Emily SteinbergEmily Steinberg is a painter and graphic novelist and has shown her work in the United States and Europe. Most recently, she has been named Humanities Scholar in Residence at Drexel College of Medicine where she will teach medical students how to draw their own stories in words and images. Her visual narratives No Collusion! (2018), Paused (2018), Berlin Story: Time, Memory, Place (2017), A Mid Summer Soirée (2015), Broken Eggs (2014), and The Modernist Cabin (2013) have been published in Cleaver Magazine. Her graphic novel memoir, Graphic Therapy, was published serially in Smith Magazine, and her short comic, Blogging Towards Oblivion, was included in The Moment (Harper/Collins). She earned her M.F.A. and B.F.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently a lecturer in Fine Art at Penn State Abington. You can see more of her work at emilysteinberg.com. Visit her bio page here.

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