Davy Knittle
gravy strain

thin a little ice for me
but keep the slip

melt slouches melt-ward
and it’s regular bad

is it time yet
I think it’s not yet time to

wear my feelings but also
read them: top them on a pizza

pour them in a sinkhole
drink them from a fountain

bake them into Pennsylvania and
here we go for a regional beverage

tour in the car: birch beer
: teaberry ice cream milkshake

black cherry wishniak
a year of new soup every day

we like a lot of it
we drink that milkshake twice

a waitress has gender trouble
and ways to ask if we’re pals

will we share the check
do neither of us want a meat side

when we swap our plates
she says “I saw that” and smiles

when she’s sure we’re together
she’ll only hold her eye with me

it’s normal—someone jokingly proposes
a bill to offset the expense of having kids

as recompense for transfolks’ unsafe lives
we keep after that indemnified baby

find 10,000 places we’re scared to pee
win a bad puppy at a goldfish toss

hold onto our fair vouchers
and he’ll grow up to be a boy

join our neighbors organization
or sit on a municipal board :

in a meeting see accident footage
: an ATV plowing into a hedge

by a public gazebo
see photos of the park a year before

with grandmas in it: a ceremony
naming the hedge for a woman who shares

“Flora,” Andrew’s grandma’s name
Flora losing an object that belongs to us

you reclaiming it and football dancing
in her garage—blowing out like candles

the slights that appear then disappear
: assembling boxes of donuts

donated to queer prom—breathing
on vegetables with our hippo breath

serving grey vegetables at a library meeting
opening a catering company to do

institutional brunch: closing
at three each day to go bowling

planting salad mix and waiting out
its 55 days to full development

clearing our time to teach the puppy
to rise his baby wings up for the sky

Davy Knittle author photoDavy Knittle’s poems and reviews have appeared recently in Fence, The Recluse, Columbia Poetry Review and Jacket2. He lives in Philadelphia where he curates the City Planning Poetics series at the Kelly Writers House.

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