Erin Mizrahi

 & it’s for the best my CV is just a list of sensations & my author bio is a photograph of a fainting couch & it’s ok & my partner reported fraud when I used his credit card to buy cellulite cream & it’s ok it’s really ok but now I am blacklisted from instacart & I asked my mom to use her instacart to send groceries to our apartment but our address was blacklisted too & so the driver was redirected to a dying lake, not the lake you’re thinking about, a different one, and now dying lake geese and dying lake ducks are feasting on my kiwis & pink lady apples & their legs are the smoothest legs you have ever seen no cellulite in sight & how we’re all a bit like Eric Carle’s very busy spider clinging to our little fence post while all the world is going by & how suddenly we are plunged into the night of our very own webs & what should I be for Purim?

Erin MizrahiErin Mizrahi (she/they) is a poet, educator, collaborator and cofounder of Cobra Milk. Erin is a recipient of fellowships from Asylum Arts and the Institute for Jewish Creativity and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Their writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Bending GenresGasher JournalRogue Agent, the Ben Yehuda Press anthology Strange Fire: Jewish Voices from the Pandemic and elsewhere. Erin is coauthor with Jason Lipeles of the micro-chapbook, if we break, where we break, how we break (Ghost City Press 2023).

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