Rachel B. Glaser

they could have lived in clouds
but so missed houses that they actually built some
they missed roads
though in life, roads hadn’t really appealed to them

in a nostalgic, industrious phase
they assembled a touristy street
where stores sold the bright t-shirts of before
covered with puns and jokes about being half-alive

many people re-found their spouses
but many more lived with newly-found strangers
in a light-weight honeymoon of sweet boredom
no one was religious
it was a beach town

they easily conjured an ocean
but they used all their natural resources
partly from building the things they drove instead of cars

a group of environmentalists formed
but they were no fun to have over at parties
and there were so many parties 

rachel-b-glaserRachel B. Glaser is the author of the poetry collection Moods (Factory Hollow Press, 2013) and the story collection Pee On Water (Publishing Genius Press, 2010). She paints basketball players and lives in Northampton, MA.

Read more from Cleaver Magazine’s Issue #1.

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