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Just Read” by Rebecca Lambright has been selected for republication by plain china, a national literary anthology that showcases the best undergraduate writing from across the country.

Graphic Narrative!
Miriam Libicki, Turning Right on Cassady
Introduction by Tahneer Oksman

Short Stories!
Gemini Wahhaj, The Hurricane
*Donald Collins, Jeep, Red
***Patrick Ball, Geology
Kim Steele, Holiday
Rachel Hochhauser, Tallboy
Talila Baron, A Letter
*Ariella Carmell, Double Feature
*Leticia Urieta, Querencia
Marc Labriola, Self-Portrait with Broken Nose
Lucy Ribchester, The Lightfooted Thieves

Jennifer Moore, Our Lady of the Marvelous Wrists
Kallie Falandays, Before Before Before
Jessica Hudgins, Scalding
Sally J. Johnson, Tonight the Stars Are Strung Up Like Elegies
**Deborah Burnham, ABC for the child who lived twenty-six days
Kathryn Smith, Poem for Trending Tragedy
**Herman Beavers, Obsidian Blues # 36
Jerrod E. Bohn, [Peach juice coated the lips so that each song]
Bruce Alford, Study to be Quiet
**Kathryn Hellerstein, The Crows
Jeremy Freedman, The Duck Lady
Taylor Rickett, Alligator Teeth
Conor Kelly, After Vallejo
Ernest Hilbert, Atlantica

Emily Grelle, Five Flash Pieces
Cathy Ulrich, Your Mother Sings When She’s Alone
***Elizabeth Alexander, Tony
Debra S. Levy, At the Beach
Gabriel Thibodeau, Bangle
Nadia Laher, Zumba Fever
**Catherine Nichols, Hush, Puppies
Nancy Hightower, Tell-Tale
Heather Jones, Willie: Premonition
Paul Kavanagh, Kiss

Creative Nonfiction!
Danielle Harms, Fragile Bodies
*Rebecca Lambright, Just Read
Suzanne Cope, Certificate
*Cheryl Smart, Horses in the Wrinkle
K.C. Wolfe, Brother’s Keeper

*Tara Stella, Hidden in Plain Sight
Instagram Photography

David Novack and **Dylan Hansen-Fliedner, Finding Babel
Fiction and Non-fiction Blend in Documentary Film

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