LEAVE NO TRACE by Robin Neidorf

Robin Neidorf

the full moon rises in the cleft ……………………………between rock and green-turning-
gold on gravel trails twenty miles ……………………..northwest of this circle of stones
today’s bootprints start to erode
under those traces lie yesterday’s
…………………………… …………………………… …………lower still are strata dyed maroon and olive
then grey again
each line demarcates a slow disaster
ninety-five percent of species gone in the blink
…………………………… …………………………… ………of a few million years
…………………………… ……………………………… …………………………..the glaciers are receding
…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………..the data do not lie
………………………….. ……………………………………….. ………………….each season frees

another era’s liquid

………………………….. ………and debris
………………………….. …………………………..once rock met
………………………….. …………………………………………………..rock and hove        upwards now
every raindrop makes its choice
…………………………south to delta silts          ^^      west to crashing waves and saturated sunsets

take one breath
the owl’s wings beat            no soundwaves      glacial pond’s surface still as fossil
come December will we remember
how to read…………………. across the gaps in the record…………….to extract
this September evening
bonfire sparks snapping carbon
-scented smoke following the half-missed…………. swoop of a dusk hunt

just one

Robin Neidorf started a love affair with poetry via (of all things) a sestina after more than two decades of focusing primarily on creative nonfiction. Her work has been published on the blogs of Best American Poetry, TC Jewfolk, Postpartum, and Matter Press. She lives in Minnesota and actually prefers its winters to its summers.

Read more from Cleaver Magazine’s Issue #37.

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