Leia Darwish

you can’t hold your man…………….you can’t

hit a jet going six hundred miles per hour

…………….with a .50 calibre machine gun

the second week in June

will be when he gets caught cheating

when your napalm…………….gets the ally

June eighth twenty-nine

…………….the domestic-issue cover up

sixty-seven…………….the night you wait up

twenty-fourteen stricken from the record

…………….the typewriter’s letter h

sticking out of your left foot…………….once

there wasn’t even breath enough to say

…………….here…………….where the hull contracts

help…………….him on the couch like can I have my legs back

they’re falling asleep………… ….lucky

………………in the room where the torpedo hit

where he was seen coming………………out late at night

when the court said………………adultery

is hard to prove…………….so often as to make it a habit

Headshot of Leia DarwishLeia Darwish is a writer and editor based in Richmond, Virginia. Her poetry and nonfiction can be found in diode, The Journal, PANK, The Pinch, The Paris-American, and elsewhere.

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