by Blaize Dicus
Featured on Life As Activism

When I wrap around your bodies, I wrap around your limestone boulders, your
mossy riverbanks, and your trees
…..……sheered limbs that leave daggers

The rivers evaporate, fill the sky with water, then fall again to soak the soil. Trees grow,
pines cedars, sturdy. A system designed to give what is needed; a system that burns
when poisoned.

When I survey your naked skins, I catalog the colors of your shedding maples, every
boisterous feathered-soloist, every
………howl erupted towards the blood-soaked moon

There’s a seismic difference between the footprint of a squirrel and the tread of
size tens—
200,000 pounds.

When I inhale your perfumes, I inhale twice. Your air, invading at night, retreating
with the sun; I sip your
………cindered blessings

The orange (sky) faded in ’41; it’s been black
since ’42.

Blaize Dicus is a graduate student at the University of Central Oklahoma. When he was eight, his family moved to Beijing, China. He lived there for five years: going to school, making friends, learning the language. This early journey sparked his existing interest to study people and culture. His goal as a writer is to translate the unheard to the unwilling.




Image credit: Pascal Frei on Unsplash

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