Lex Lucius
Of Comfort and Connection Paintings

I live in the Roaring Fork Valley just north of Aspen, Colorado, tucked into the Rocky Mountains. My life is full of family, painting, and horses. My clothes smell of the stable, and on far too many days, my boots, of the pasture.

Less than five minutes from my painting studio is the stable where my wife Aimée keeps her jumping horses and my daughter, her pony. When I drive over and watch them ride, which I do several times a week, I pass by a field of polo ponies. It is these ponies that have become my favorites to paint. I love their small, muscled bodies, and I see strength and determination in their movements. At the stable our warmbloods are huge, muscled, yet incredibly calm animals. Even in my paintings they have a sureness of movement and a stillness that speaks of this confidence.

I try to invoke the feelings I get from these animals, but just as importantly I also try to bring the stories and dreams we all carry within us when we think of horses and what horses mean to us all. I am focusing on art I want to see, art that makes me feel. It is my hope that these paintings bring out feelings of comfort and connection in the viewers also.
—Lex Lucius, December 2022

Of Comfort and Connection: Paintings by Lex Lucius - 1
Young Polo Pony
Of Comfort and Connection: Paintings by Lex Lucius - 2
Study of Pancho II
Of Comfort and Connection: Paintings by Lex Lucius - 3
Study of Pancho III
Of Comfort and Connection: Paintings by Lex Lucius - 4
Horse in Paddock
Of Comfort and Connection: Paintings by Lex Lucius - 5
Thoroughbread Standing I
Erased Horse

As a fine artist, Lex has exhibited in galleries throughout Northern California and New Mexico, as well as New York City, New Orleans, and Vancouver, BC. Lex’s work can be found in many private collections around the country. Lex is currently working in acrylic and ink on wood panel. Lex Lucius holds a BFA in Printmaking from CCA and a MFA from UNM. His aesthetic sense stems from his years as a fine artist and sculptor, and enhances his mastery of metal fabrication.

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