Fresh-Cut Lit & More
We consider applications on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply via our submissions manager.
Editorial Internships. Do you love to read contemporary fiction? Essays? Are you a literary tastemaker? Cleaver needs readers whose sensibilities click with our own to help us thwack! through our growing submissions pile and proofread the pieces we accept.
Cleaver’s competitive Editorial Internship program, mentored by Senior Editor Sydney Tammarine, offers in-depth experience in curation, editing, and production of a major literary magazine. Editorial interns read and vote on submissions, help us proofread the issue before it goes live, and write a book review for publication. Time commitment: 5–10 hours/week. We accept 3-4 interns for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Age and experience of candidates varies from talented high school students to post-MFA and early career writers. We can work with your college or university to provide academic credit for a semester-long internship at Cleaver. At this time, we are most in need of prose readers.
Submission Editors, Proofreaders and Copyeditors. Cleaver needs submission editors as well as proofreaders and copyeditors to help us groom each story, essay, and poem before publication. Love that Oxford comma? Apply via our submissions manager. Use the “Editorial Intern” application, but let us know in the cover letter that you’re interested in being an editor and which genres and types of editing you’d like to do.
Please note: at this time, we are an all-volunteer organization.
Current Spring 2025 Interns
Sydney Tammarine, Internship Director
* To apply for a Cleaver editorial internship or staff position, see our Submittable page.

Hana S. Elysia is a professional dancer turned writer with a keen interest in the dark and whimsical. Her writing has appeared in Cleaver Magazine (Duality Short Nonfiction Contest winner), Confluence, pacificREVIEW, Trembling with Fear, and elsewhere. She’s currently working on her debut novel and is thrilled to join Cleaver Magazine as an editorial intern.

Lennie Roeber-Tsiongas is a writer based in Los Angeles, CA. She holds a BA in Psychology from McGill University. Her work contends with themes of absurdity, obsession, and manifestations of illness. She serves as a reader for Exposition Review and Electric Literature and intern for Insert Press, and she is the social media manager and curator at Auditorium Books. She is very excited to be joining Cleaver as an Editorial Intern this spring! Her work has been published in Vernacular Journal, Hobart, and The Kingfisher Magazine, among others.
Previous Interns
Fall 2024
Adele Zhao
LaVie Saad
Rachel Shaver
Maya Grunschlag
Summer 2024
Alana Craib
Azumi Kuchma
Jennifer Nessel
Spring 2024
Ellie Heeren
Julia Hou
Kayla McCall
Fall 2023
Angel Benjamin
Char Dreyer
Anna Llewellyn
Coralie Loon
Summer 2023
Alex Behm
Audrey Lai
Lillian Lowenthal
Spring 2023
Paul Chuks
Ingrid Hartzell Gallegos
Michael McCarthy
Alary Schmitt
Fall 2022
Alexandra Apuzzo
Aalia Jagwani
Jae Sutton
Sabine Wilson-Patrick
Summer 2022
Annie Cao
Prisha Mehta
Eliza Sullivan
Jamie Tews
Spring 2022
Stephanie Fluckey
Michael Sasso
Vriddhi Vinay
Fall 2021
Candela Rivero
Arielle Jones
Nicole Sellew
Celine Bassman
Summer 2021
Juliana Lamy
Jeffrey Liao
Ellie Sharp
Aleksia Silverman
Spring 2021
Edythe Rodriguez
Brooke Parry
Fall 2020
Eric Buechel
Jessica Kim
Laura Smith
James Yeagley
Summer 2020
Anthony Cardellini
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi
Charlotte Hughes
Jozie Konczal
Ashira Shirali
Spring 2020
Alexandra Savage
Aja Todd
Claire Kooyman
Nikki Caffier Smith
Fall 2019
Preston Eagan
Spring 2019
Kim Livingston
Nancy Goodhue
Shalynn Pace
Vincent Barraco
Alyssa Taylor
Gregory Manley
Summer 2018
Anaya Carter-Duckett
Samantha Berit
Julia Grady
Rachel Hertzberg
Isabelle Mongeau
Sarah Starr Murphy
Spring 2018
Allegra Armstrong
Sara Graybeal
Jodi Monster
Amy Shaw
John Spurlock
Maureen Sullivan
Fall 2017
Helen Armstrong
Chaya Bhuvaneswar
Kathleen Danielson
Brendan McCourt
Evan Nicholls
Chyina Powell
Brandon Stanwyck
August Thompson
Summer 2017
Kellie Carle
Kelly Doyle
Julia Leslie Guarch
Natalie Kawam
Amanda M. Klute
Elaina Whitesell
Spring 2017
Lena Popkin
Sarah Doran
Melanie Erspamer
Carolyn Freer
John Ryan Barwick
Christine M. Hopkins
Ryan Evans
Caitlyn Averett
Christina Tang-Bernas
Fall 2016
Sarah Doran
Melanie Erspamer
David Grandouiller
Odette Moolten
William Morris
Summer 2016
Alec Hill
Claire Oleson
David Grandouiller
Emily Brown
Shelley Senai
Remy Barnes
Spring 2016
Rosie Huf
Kylie Lee Baker
Rachael Tague
Lillian Brown
Ava Van der Meer
Fall 2015
Rachael Tague
Ariella Carmell
Carson Jarrell-Rourke
Summer 2015
Emily Brown
Catherine Mosier-Mills
Rebecca Brill
Spring 2015
Annika Neklason
Emily Horn