Fresh-Cut Lit & More


Philadelphia-based Cleaver Magazine showcases local literary voices among national and international literary artists.

Founded in 2013, we are now celebrating more than ten years of publishing poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, flash, profiles, interviews, craft essays, and visual narratives, many by Philadelphia-based writers and artists.

Over the past ten years, our Philadelphia partners have included Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania, which offered essential financial support during our first five years of operation; Drexel University’s Entrepreneurial Game Studio, with whom we are developing site-specific Pokemon Go-style “literature games” featuring works by Philadelphia poets, flash fiction, and nonfiction writers, and funded by a grant from the William Penn Foundation, and The Painted Bride Art Center, who for ten years has supported us with their oversight as our fiscal sponsor. We are grateful to those institutions, and perhaps most of all to the City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Cultural Fund, whose generous general operating grant goes a long way to helping us keep the lights glowing in our virtual space.

Going forward it is our intention to create more opportunities for Philadelphia-based poets and writers, as well as workshop and masterclass scholarships for Philadelphians of limited means.

For a complete list of Philadelphia-based contributors, including book reviews and craft essay authors, see this page.

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