Peter Grandbois

in dead things   other times   we fit

too many   bodies   into the meadow

where the elk   whistle and stamp   it’s strange

this book   of burning   leaves

where snow   sometimes settles   inside

like prayer   other times   you walk

a thousand   lost roads   hammered by rain

while the moon   interrogates   the night sky

in one sorrowful   frenzy   of longing

stars   reminding us   we can

do the hard things   now   it’s easy

to carry   the abraded   blanket

to the river’s   edge   the days

are forever   letting go   and

we are   not here   to explain

a thing   but simply   to choose

the rumor   of the sea   this

animal   slowness   of life

Peter GrandboisPeter Grandbois is the author of fourteen books, the most recent of which is Domestic Bestiary. His plays have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard and teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at

Cover image by Jen Mathy

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