by Samuel Son
Featured on Life As Activism 

charred, acrid smell of gunpowder

smokes from the holes in Philando’s body,

which carries the stigma(ta) of

all things dark,

lead from the muzzle

to the flesh, three wounds enough

to steal the soul, four more

for good measure


out of black

skin red blood pools

soaks white cotton


black…….. red……….white




Mary can’t hold him,

she wants

……………to cradle him

she wants

……………to take his place,

she wants

……………to pull him back,

she wants

……………to spare him black death,

but Mary can’t


The lance spearing her heart is

her uselessness

To be born black is to be born with a cross-

hair on your back


Mary don’t weep



Samuel Son is columnist at North State Journal, Sojourner,  and Presbyterian Outlook. He has poems published and forthcoming at American Journal of Poetry, Cultural Weekly, Ghostwood Books and Tuck Magazine. He serves as a teaching pastor at New Life Triangle.




Image credit: Tony Webstser on Flickr


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