Emily Steinberg

THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - TitleTHE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 2THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 3THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 4THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 5THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 6THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 7THE RECKONING by Emily Steinberg - 8

The Reckoning is a 22-page full-color visual narrative, that illustrates our planet’s stark environmental crisis on a visceral gut level in words and images. It explores how our sustained misuse of natural resources is intertwined and connected, on micro and macro levels, impacting everything from climate change to how the Covid 19 Virus was transmitted from animals to humans. It imagines how we can do better.

The Reckoning, supported by a grant from The Studio for Sustainability and Social Action, Penn State University, was created in response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production.

—Emily Steinberg

Emily Steinberg is a multi-disciplinary artist with a focus on painting and visual narrative and her work has been shown across the United States and Europe. Most recently, her first cartoon and Daily Shouts story were published by The New Yorker. Since 2013, her visual narratives have been regularly published in Cleaver Magazine. In 2019 she became Visual Narrative Editor at Cleaver and now curates submissions. Her memoir, Graphic Therapy, was published serially in Smith Magazine. Steinberg teaches visual narrative at Penn State University, Abington College, and Drexel College of Medicine, where she is Artist-in-Residence. She did her undergraduate and graduate work at The University of Pennsylvania where she received an MFA in painting and lives just outside Philadelphia. Visit her bio page here.

To submit graphic narratives for consideration in Cleaver, contact Emily at [email protected].

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