Sally J. Johnson

I want them for myself,
……………………..but you’re right.

It’s easier to take a picture
………………………………..of this heat,

to pick bread crumbs
…………………….from a crocodile’s teeth.

Tell me you can follow me to wherever is home.

Find me by the pollen-
……………………..yellow paint punctuating
……………………………………………..these highway hips.

The bare light bulb
…………………….of my belly in the darkness.

The dare of that opalescent moon
………………………………lending me her macabre lipstick.

You and I can swim the length
…………………………………of this alligator land.

I am all breaststroke,
…………………bobbing and lack of breath.

Of course you are backstroke.
……………………………….Craning your neck to see the sky

Sally-J.-JohnsonSally J. Johnson received her M.F.A. from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she served as managing editor for the award-winning literary journal Ecotone. Her poetry and nonfiction have appeared or are forthcoming in The Collagist, Bodega, The Pinch, Weave, Sycamore Review, and elsewhere. She is a poetry editor for Green Briar Review and works as a publicist in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Find her online @sallyjayjohnson.

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