by Aaron Simm
Featured on Life As Activism

Scientist of The Lambs
Scientist on the western front
Scientist I’m hunting rabbits
Scientist speak no evil
Scientist not at the dinner table
Scientist after 11pm
Scientist curfew in effect
Scientist silent majority rules
Scientist not your voice in anger
Scientist secret ball gag
Scientist John Cage 4’33”
Scientist awkward joke
Scientist leaves you hanging
Scientist frog in your throat
Scientist of the lambs
Scientist dog whistle
Scientist sensory deprivation pod
Scientist falling in the forest
Scientist sound proof room
Scientist mortgage and two kids
Scientist questionable patriotism
Scientist still says grace out loud
Scientist conspiracy theory of evolution
Scientist still gets cold in the winter
Scientist cat got your tongue
Scientist Badlands twitter account
Scientist relic of the past regime
Scientist scapegoat
Scientist golden
Scientist breaks
Scientist deafening

“Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain’t satisfied ‘til he rules everything” -Bruce Springsteen
In a dystopian future, the Badlands twitter account goes rogue
404.93 ppm / 650, 000 years / Ocean acidity up 30%
The number one driver for species loss is habitat loss

There is a darkness on the edge of your national park service
Plains bison in 1880 / Standing Rock / Now hiring social media manager
Scientists have been told not to speak to the press

Back to business as usual, as unusual as it seems
Pictures of mountain goats / Caption this photo / #motivationmonday
#Bats can fly up to 60 mph. #Dangerzone

Everything dies baby, that’s an alternative fact

Aaron Simm is a writer and performer living in Victoria, British Columbia. He is the author of one book of poetry, two chapbooks, two full-length fringe shows, and one hip-hop album. He is the editor of oratorealis magazine and his writing has been published internationally.




Image credit: Nasa on Unsplash

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