by M.C. McCoy
Featured on Life As Activism

Noble Firs on Thanksgiving

Here they stand
up to their names.
Respect space.

Gently shake fists.
Crystalized fuzz,
connective tissue

so green, you forget.
It’s been raining
since Election Day.


A fine line
between sleet and hail,
understand the subtlety.

Snowflake hardened,
crumbles when touched.

M.C. McCoy’s poems have appeared in Apiary, The Birds We Piled Loosely, and Poetry Ink. She earned a BA in English from Temple University, and a dual Masters degree in Social Services and Law/Social Policy from Bryn Mawr College, where she is currently a doctoral student. She also serves as the director of grant research and Development for a Philadelphia based non-profit organization. She grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and on the Ocean City, NJ boardwalk. Temporarily bi-coastal, she super commutes between Philly and the Portland, OR area where she lives with her wife.


Image credit: Alexandre Guimont on Unsplash


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