Samantha Barrow

We stand naked
in the clearing
loving each other
beyond our bodies
our lights clinging
tight and bare

Samantha-BarrowSamantha Barrow is the Director of Humanities in Medicine at the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education at The City College of New York, and she teaches in the Program of Narrative Medicine at Columbia. She is the author of GRIT and tender membrane (Plan B Press), Jelly (a chapbook, Tiger/Monkey Alliance), and Chap.  Her poetry, prose, reviews and interviews have been published in The Ledge Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Philadelphia City Paper, Off Our Backs, Lesbian Nation, Feminist Review, Moonstone’s Poetry Ink Anthology, Helmet Hair and two Uphook Press Anthologies: you say. say. and Hell Strung and Crooked.

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