David Ishaya Osu

was triangle &
the sayings of an
apple full

of iodine. what
was told before the
kiss. has a toad

swollen at
a word
of divorce? elegy

no cry again
for the coming
coming nights, no

no, no, quickly
quickly as a rain
rinsing a

dress made
from ash
—the second coming

of judas—how are
you, mr. xylophone? have
you got some

new mallets
for this old


Headshot of David Ishaya OsuDavid Ishaya Osu, born in 1991,born in 1991 in Nigeria, is a board member of the Babishai Niew Poetry Foundation based in Uganda. His poetry appears in Chiron ReviewThe Lampeter ReviewCutBankVinyl TransitionThe Nottingham Review, New Coin PoetryMaintenant 10: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art, among others. David is a fellow of the Ebedi International Writers Residency, and is currently the poetry editor at Panorama: The Journal of Intelligent Travel. 

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