Beth Kephart
You in Random Order: A Jesse Ball Exercise

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Here’s an exclusive writing prompt from Beth Kephart, who recently conducted a masterclass for Cleaver called “The Art of the Telling Detail”. We are sharing this prompt from her workshop—if you like it, consider purchasing the recording of Beth’s extraordinary class here.


… I find watering plants to be onerous, and gardens even more so, but worse than that I find raking leaves, grass, or soil. I like yards to be overgrown. On the other hand, I like to keep my living space in careful order, although I don’t mind if it is dirty. I myself am often dirty and do not like to wash. As a boy, I would pretend to take showers by turning the water on and lightly splashing my arms…

— excerpted from Jesse Ball’s memoir, Autoportrait.

Prompt: Write yourself in random order, accumulating the details that best define you. 

Beth Kephart

Beth Kephart is the award-winning author of nearly 40 books in multiple genres, an award-winning teacher, co-founder of Juncture Workshops, and a book artist. Beth’s newest book, the acclaimed My Life in Paper: Adventures in Ephemera, sprang from her own obsession with paper. Beth’s most recent craft books are We Are the Words: The Master Memoir Class and Consequential Truths: On Writing the Lived Life. More at and Read Michelle Fost’s interview with Beth about My Life in Paper: Adventures in Ephemera here

Read more from Cleaver Magazine’s Writing Tips.